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Our Right-To-Know Atlas and GIS Tutorial includes over 100 GIS (geographical information system) map layers and over 100 high quality map images plus a comprehensive introduction to GIS. It is for those new to GIS and those with GIS experience as well.
Industry Standard Shapefile Format
For those of you who already have experience with GIS, there are plenty of GIS map layers included that will be of value to you. Each layer is in standard ESRI® Arcview® shapefile format. The shapefile format is the defacto geospatial standard around the world. The shapefiles included with the RTK Atlas will work with ESRI products and most other GIS programs. Many of these GIS programs work with shapefiles directly, while some include utilities that import shapefiles.
GIS Learning System
For those new to GIS, we include everything you need to get started and create your own maps. The GIS maps included in the RTK Atlas are one component in a digital cartography study and learning system. Those new to GIS begin with our Learn2Map® GIS Tutorial. The tutorial, included with each atlas package, shows you how to make your own maps using a GIS. It takes you through the process in easily digestible steps -- each building on the previous one. The tutorial includes a free GIS program and free map layers. You don't need anything else at all to get started.
GIS Tutorial
The tutorial includes a free easy-to-use GIS program and builds upon many included map layers so that you can build maps of the neighborhood or community where you live, work and play or anywhere in the world. Some of these "base" map layers that you will be working with include:
- National boundaries
- State and Province boundaries
- Global highways and roads
- Global rivers, lakes
- Demographics
- World cities and towns
- U.S. streets
- Access to new layers that we add
Build on the Basics
Once you have learned to build this "basic" map project with your GIS program, you can easily add any of the other map layers included with the Atlas. If you like, you can click here and skip ahead to see what is on the CDs. You can also click here to view screenshots we have created from a portion of the available maps.
Empower Yourself
We created our Right-To-Know Atlas & Resource CD, so that we can help you find out more about where you now live, work and play and to learn more about the places where you would like to relocate. GIS is not, and should not be, only available to trained professionals. We believe that almost anyone can learn GIS and contribute to their own career and knowledge goals.
Read below to find out what we have included in Volume 1 and click here to learn about our new Volume 2. Volumes 1 and 2 are sold together as a set that includes access to our Learn2Map GIS Tutorial. Our hope is that some of you will be empowered by what you find here and that it helps you improve your knowledge of your surroundings and to help those around you.