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Reimagination Resources for Today
and Tomorrow

Peak oil, climate change, economic downturn, escalating energy costs and shortages, food supply, severe weather ... the future looks bleak. Learn to turn our darkest days into our best.

Living in the 21st Century is Increasingly Difficult

Living in the 21st century is becoming increasingly difficult. Recent headlines include layoffs, deficit spending, cuts in social programs, retirements evaporating, looming changes in the climate, unending war, species extinction, pollution, water shortages. Housing is unaffordable for many and foreclosures are increasing, jobs that pay a living wage are becoming scarce, decent blue collar jobs have been exported. Increasing numbers of us go without healthcare. Mainstream foods and goods are frequently unsafe, strip malls and big box stores devastate our main streets, our government is unresponsive to our needs and the needs of the earth ... The list goes on and on and on and the headlines only indicate the "tip of the iceberg." What will happen to us, to our children, to our communities, to the earth? We must prepare for the potentially catastrophic convergence of peak oil and climate change and work towards making the 21st century our finest.

Reimagining Our Future - Finding Solutions

Reimagining, exploring and celebrating the changes in infrastructure, politics and culture that will help us live in harmony with each other and the earth now and in the future

This website and the work herein is dedicated to reimagining our lives and our world. We base this both on the information that we now have in hand and what many think the future will hold for us. With this knowledge, we will transform this reimagined future into a new reality - equitable, affordable and doable new ways of living, creating and using energy, dealing with hot, cold and weather extremes, housing, food and livelihood - caring for the earth and one another. Check out our resources.

Taking Action

Specifically, we will explore low-tech and affordable solutions for providing the following:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Affordable, Clean & Sustainable Energy
  • Public Access to Clean Water
  • Sustainable Food Production
  • Security
  • Justice
  • Transportation
  • Human & Ecological Health
  • Freedom
  • Right Livelihoods
  • Community & Local Reliance

Job, Business & Livelihood Opportunities

We will also explore new livelihood opportunities. Communities in the near future will need to industrialize to once again provide the things we need. Opportunities abound as we work towards realizing our reimagined future.

Tune in soon for more -- in the meantime, check out our parent site,

Some Useful Resources

  • Reimagination Resources for Today and Tomorrow - Peak oil, climate change, economic downturn, escalating energy costs and shortages, food supply, severe weather ... the future looks bleak. Learn to turn our darkest days into our best.

  • Sea-level Rise and Coastal Habitats in the Pacific Northwest.

  • 11th Hour - Turning mankind's darkest hours into its finest.

  • Collaborative Biodiesel Tutoral - This site is written by people from around the world who make biodiesel. It's our way of sharing with you what we have learned.

  • The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry in the United States.

  • Backwoods Home Magazine - Large archive of resources and articles that touch upon most all aspects of self-reliant living.

  • - Daily articles about housing crash.

  • - The Relocalization Network supports Local Post Carbon Groups as they work to develop and implement the strategy of Relocalization in their communities.

  • Bioneers - Revolution from the heart of nature: conferences and workshops.

  • New Democracy Project - NDP seeks to provide policymakers and the public with thoughtful solutions that promote democratic participation, economic fairness and social justice.

  • - We will use our collective voices to demand that governments, corporations, and politicians take the steps necessary to stop global warming.

  • Nanosolar - Cheaper photovoltaic material to be produced in the U.S.

Reimagination Network Member Websites

  • Mike does the website, photography, videography and some fund raising for the Blue Creek - Ah Pah Traditional Yurok Village.

  • - Mike Meuser and his son, Aran, and developed this website in 1996. It is devoted to GIS (geographical information system). My mission in this work is to provide the information, tools, resources and expertise to enhance personal growth and knowledge and empower you in your efforts towards improving environmental and social conditions. One of its early projects, the Santa Cruz Toxic Release Inventory, was the first U.S. based interactive toxic pollution mapping project on the internet. It lead to the MapCruzin team's development of the interactive maps for Environmental Defense's Scorecard Project. Over the years the website has become quite popular and serves many thousands of visitors each day.

  • - We recently developed this website to document the various threats we face in the 21st century and to explore ways that we might transform this potentially darkest century into humankind's brightest.

  • - Mike Meuser developed Learn2Map in 2002 as a way of helping people learn to create their own digital maps. The tutorial is free, updated frequently, includes many free resources and can also make use of most all the free GIS maps available at

  • - This website was our first North Coast oriented website. Main features include high resolution downloadable maps of aboriginal Yurok territory as well as the GIS layers required to create the maps and access to the free Learn2Map GIS Tutorial. The tutorial also includes access to many more free map layers plus a free GIS program.

  • - This website Mike Meuser's work in the electronic salvage, recovering materials and equipment to be reused in the alternative energy field and recovering precious metals.

    Thanks so much for visiting, is a project of MapCruzin. is an independent firm specializing in the development and publication of educational and research resources. We have been online since 1996

    Contact Us

Reimagination Blog
for updates, questions and answers

Custom Search - Helping to democratize the production and con- sumption of information and knowledge.

Where Did We Go Wrong? - Archive of news and resources pertaining to environmentalism in the late 20th century.

Climate Shift - Helping to transform civilization's darkest days into its best.

Focus the Nation - Global warming solutions for America.

WiserEarth . . . serves the people who are transforming the world. It is a community directory and networking forum that maps and connects non-governmental organizations and individuals addressing the central issues of our day: climate change, poverty, the environment, peace, water, hunger, social justice, conservation, human rights and more. Content is created and edited by people like you.

The Natural Capital Institute serves the people who are transforming the world. We are a team of researchers, teachers, students, activists, scholars, writers, social entrepreneurs, artists, and volunteers committed to the restoration of the earth and the healing of human culture. We do two things: we describe pathways of change in books and research reports, and we create tools for connecting the individuals, information, and organizations that create change.

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